laudrup 1.1

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question English réponse English
objects that you avoid
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to be obliged to face sth
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to be bound to face sth
byc zobowiazanym do stawienia czemus czola
to break down one’s self-possesion
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to knock one’s confidence
podkopac kogos pewnosc siebie
to make sb pay attention to sth else
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to distract sb
odwrocic kogos uwage
to get distracted from reaching your goal
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to get sidetracked
dac sie zboczyc z toru
to be unable to concentrate
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to lose focus
stracic koncenracje
not to be capable of coexisiting with sth
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to be incompatible with sth
byc z czyms niezgodnym
not to value sb enough
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to underestimate sb
nie doceniac kogos
a date when sth happened previous year
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recently married people
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the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
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a male friend chosen by the bridegroom to assist him at his wedding
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best man
to get married
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to tie the knot
poslubic sie
a room where women give birth
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delivery room
sala porodowa
to use your efforts on a particular puropse
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to channel efforts
ukierunkowac wysilki
the action of predicting what will happen
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to suggest
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to imply
giving the wrong idea
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to feel/show joy because of sth
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to glory in
extraordinary, astonishing achievement
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remarkable accomplishment
niezwykle osiagniecie
continuing sth no matter how hard it is
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give full info abt sth
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to detail
to achieve less than expected
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slabe wyniki
continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties
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a person who left school
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osoba ktora rzucila szkole
defeating obstacles
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to overcome adversity
pokonac przeciwnosci losu
a problem
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a struggle
trudnosc problem
a really hard and sad childhood
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admittedly bleak childhood
niewatpliwie pomure dziecinstwo
monotonous, tiring
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meczacy monotonny
in an intense or harsh way
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to present, to show
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to decipt
przestawia np. obraz
well known, respected book writer
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acclaimed author
uznany autor
hard physical work
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elbow grease
to put a lot of effort into sth
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to put one’s back into sth
wkladac w cos duzo staran
to do a job that requires using physical strenght
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to do the legwork
wykonywac prace wymagajaca wysliku fizycznego
happy, optimistic
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to develop
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to flourish
rozkwitac, rozwijac sie
shorter ways to go somewhere
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short cuts
to barely count, consider sth as sth
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to hold up well as sth
ujdzie jako
to cheer for sb
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to root for sb
kibicowac komus
to achieve sth thanks to your effort
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to pull oneself up by the bootstraps
osiagnac cos dzieki swoim staraniom

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