language and social variation

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speech community
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group of people who share a set of norms and expectations regarding the use of language
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study of the relationship between language and society
social dialects
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variety of language which is characteristic to the social group
linguistic variables
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pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax
social variables
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class, education, gender, occupation, ethnicity, age gruping, group identity
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individual's distinctive and unique use of language, including vocabulary, pronunciation, syntax, word formation. it's influenced by occupation and education.
formal speech style
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we pay more attention to how we're speaking
informal speech style
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not paying much attention to how we're speaking
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consider something better than other variety
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obvious, openly visible prestige
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hidden and not obvious prestige
speech accomodation
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adjusting our speech style towards or away from the style of the person we're talking to
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using language forms that are similiar to our conversation partner
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using language forms that are different than our conversation partner's
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a conventional way of using language that is appropriate in a specific context, which may be identified as: situational, occupational, topical
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special technical vocabulary associated with a specific group, profession or industry
slang features
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social appearance which marks group membership, aimed for selected group members (not outsiders), typically used by these who are outside established higher-status groups, temporary, solidarity with other group members, hides meaning, uses taboo words
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a kind of social dialect typically spoken by a low status groups

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