La famiglia ♡

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question réponse
La mia famiglia abita a Libiaz
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My family lives in Libiaz
La mamma
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La mia mamma lavora come impiegata
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my mother works as a white collar
La mia mamma fa l'impiegata
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My mother is a white Collar
La mia mamma è un'impiegata
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My mother is an employee
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Pracownik biurowy
L'infermiera (f.)
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A scuola
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At school
Nella scuola elementare
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In elementary school
Nella scuola superiore
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In high school
Nell'istituto tecnico
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In the technical institute
Il papà
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Il babo
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The dad
il mio papá lavora in ospedale
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My dad works in the hospital
In banca
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At the bank
La figlia
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The daughter
Il figlio
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Mia figlia ha 15 anni
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My daughter is 15 years old
Il bambino/la bambina
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The boy/girl
chłopczyk, dziewczynka
Il gemello/la gemella
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The twin
Ho un gemello
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I have a twin
Tua sorella è molto brava
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Your sister is very good
Tuo fratello è molto simpatico
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Your brother is very nice
Mio zio si chiama/ mia zia si chiama
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My uncle's name is/my aunt's name is
Mia cugina studia Inglese
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My cousin studies English
Moja kuzynka
Mio cugino parla molto bene Inglese
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My cousin speaks English very well
Mia nonna è bassa
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My grandmother is short
Mio nonno è alto
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My grandfather is tall
Il mio fidanzato è tedesco
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My boyfriend is German
La mia fidanzata è Italiana
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My girlfriend is Italian
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To get married
Wychodzic za maz, zenic sie
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Noi ci sposiamo oggi
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We are getting married today
Voi vi sposate in comune
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You are getting civil marriage
wy bierzecie ślub cywilny
La moglie/ il marito
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The wife/husband
I miei genitori sono molto giovani
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My parents are very young
La matrigna/ il patrinio
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The stepmother/the stepfather
Il mio patrigno fa il medico
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My stepfather is a doctor
Mia bisnonna viene dalla Croazia
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My great-grandmother is from Croatia
Il bisnonno
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The great-grandfather
Il genero/ la nuora
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The son-in-law/daughter-in-law
Ziec, synowa
Mia nuora è brava a cucire
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My daughter-in-law is good at sewing
La cogniata/ il cognato
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The sister-in-law/brother-in-law
Szwagierka, szwagier
La suocera/il suocero
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The mother-in-law/father-in-law
Tesciowa, tesc
Che lavoro fai?
gdzie pracujesz
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What do you do?
Di che cosa ti occupi?
czym się zajmujesz
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What do you do?
Che cosa fai (di bello) nella vita?
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What do you do (good) in life?
Io sono un'impiegata in una multinazionale
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I am an employee in a multinational company
Essere in pensione
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To be retired
Essere un pensionato
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Being retired
Ho un fratello più grande/piccolo
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I have an older/younger brother
Anche lui abita a Libiaz
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He also lives in Libiaz
Lui non lavora più
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He doesn't work anymore
lui è mio gemello
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he's my twin
abbiamo la stessa eta'
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We are the same age
Ha la mia stessa eta'
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He is the same age as me
On ma tyle samo lat co ja
anche lui ha 31 anni
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he is also 31 years old
Lui è più grande di me
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he's older than me
insieme a mia sorella
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together with my sister
il fratellino
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Little brother
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Un po’
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A bit'
Di me
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Than me
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vado in vacanza dai nonni
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I'm going on holiday to my grandparents
I parenti
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la madrina/il padrino
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il nipote/la nipote
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the nephew / niece
siotrzenica, bratanica, wnuczka
il cugino/la cugina/i cugini
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ho una grande/piccola famiglia
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I have a large/small family
La mia famiglia è numerosa
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My family is large
È composta da 5
comporre tworzyć, ułożyć, composto/a
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It is made up of 5 persone
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è sorridente
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he is smiling
due bambine molto vivaci
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two very lively little girls
il figliastro / la figliastra
pasierb, pasierbica
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the stepson / the stepdaughter
il fratellastro/la sorellastra
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