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there is pavement/sidewalk/path commencer à apprendre
there is an event tomorrow commencer à apprendre
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una carretera/ ancha - un camino ancho
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it's very antiquated / obsolete commencer à apprendre
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in the forest there are many trees commencer à apprendre
en el bosque hay muchos árboles
my arteries are ok (artery) commencer à apprendre
it grabbed/got/drew my attention commencer à apprendre
the bus is always full of people commencer à apprendre
el autobús es siempre lleno de gente
in Barcelona you can find many beautiful avenues commencer à apprendre
en Barcelona puedes encontrar muchas avenidas bonitas
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tienes un billete (de autobús)?
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you need to catch this bus commencer à apprendre
necesitas coger este autobús
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es una ciudad muy concurrida
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me desmayaré (desmayarse)
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it's in front of the building commencer à apprendre
está enfrente del edificio
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i started to shudder/tremble commencer à apprendre
me empezó estremecer (estremecerse)
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the importance of these thing is very big commencer à apprendre
la importancía de estas cosas es muy grande
the season has begun/inaugurated commencer à apprendre
la temporada ha inaugurado
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lo tiene un grande impacto
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i just lifted it up/raised it commencer à apprendre
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there was a side/lateral escape commencer à apprendre
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can you pick up/answer the call/phone? commencer à apprendre
puedes atender la llamada?
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i will go crazy/freak out/go mad commencer à apprendre
it's been already mentioned commencer à apprendre
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we saw a lot of beautiful monuments in Rome commencer à apprendre
vimos muchos monumentos agradables en Roma
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i came up with an idea, i got an idea commencer à apprendre
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at least you can tell her hello commencer à apprendre
por lo menos/al menos le puedes decir "hola"
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voy a quedarme dormido pronto
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we go for a walk by the park commencer à apprendre
vamos a dar un recorrido por el parque
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all of a sudden, suddenly commencer à apprendre
the residency of the company commencer à apprendre
la residencia de la empresa
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el símbolo de nuestra ciudad
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my phone is vibrating in my pocket commencer à apprendre
mi móvil está vibrando en mi bolsillo
one day i will become famous commencer à apprendre
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i live here for 4 years already commencer à apprendre
vivo aquí desde hace 4 aňos
i visited him 4 months ago commencer à apprendre
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Alicia took a shower, drank a coffee and went out commencer à apprendre
Alicia se duchó, tomó un café y salió a la calle
I keep studying irregular verbs commencer à apprendre
sigo estudiando los verbos irregulares
Laura starts to work at 9 o'clock commencer à apprendre
Laura empieza a trabajar a las nueve
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i'm gonna wait for you before 4 PM commencer à apprendre
te esperaré antés de las cuatro