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Część informacji
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A piece of information
Tabliczka czekolady
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A bar of chocolate
Bochenek chleba
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A loaf of bread
Szklanka wody
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A glass of water
Kawałek pizzy
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A slice of pizza
Kromka chleba
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A slice of bread
Puszka coli.
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A can of coke.
Miska zupy
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A bowl of soup
Talerz spaghetti
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A plate of spaghetti
Odrobina ironii
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A touch of irony
Gałąź wiedzy
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A branch of knowledge
Ziarno prawdy
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A grain of truth
Gra w szachy
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A game of chess
źdźbło trawy
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A blade of grass
Kropla krwi
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A drop of blood
Kropla potu
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A drop of sweat
Ziarno ryżu
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A grain of rice
Ziarnko piasku
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A grain of sand
Ząbek czosnku
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A clove of garlic
Odrobina perfum
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A dab of perfume
Opad śniegu
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A fall of snow
Szczypta soli
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A pinch of salt
Wyciśnięty sok z cytryny
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A squeeze of lemon jujce
Kulka sznurka
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A ball of string
Chmura dymu
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A cloud of smouke
Chmura kurzu
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A cloud of dust
Kupa ziemi
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A pile of earth
Kupa śmieci
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A pile of rubbish
Blok lodu
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A block of ice
Paczka cukru
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A packet of sugar

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