Kurs lekcja 6

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question réponse
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to jest tutaj
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it is here
sushi bar jest tutaj
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the sushi bar is here
Najlepsza pizza w mieście jest tutaj
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The best pizza in the city is here
To nie jesr tutaj
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It is not here
Marty nie ma tutaj
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Marta is not here
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to jest tam
commencer à apprendre
it is there
stacja metra jest tam
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the metro station is there
Adam jest tam
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Adam is there
Toalety nie ma tutaj, ona jest tam
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The toilet is not here, it is there
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przystanek autobusowy
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a bus stop
gdzie jest przystanek autobusowy?
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where is a bus stop?
Przystanek autobusowy jest tam
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The bus stop is there
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an ATM, an cash machine
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an opera
wydarzenie, iwent
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an invent
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an apartment
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an organization
to jest bankomat
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it is an ATM
przepraszam, gdzie jest bankomat?
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excuse me, where is an ATM?
przepraszam, gdzie jest bankomat na tym dworcu autobusowym?
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excuse me, where is an ATM in this bus station?
Jaki?, co?
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co to jest?
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what is it?
co jest tam?
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what is there
jaki jest najlepszy smartfon?
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what is the best smartphone?
Jaki jest numer rezerwacji?
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What is the rezerwation number?
Jaka jest najlepsza pizza tutaj?
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What is the best pizza here?
co za dobra kawa!
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what a good coffee!
Co za dobry koncert!
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What a good concert!
Co za dobry film!
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What a good film
Co za duża pizza!
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What a big pizza!
Co za kiepski film akcji!
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What a bad action film
co za mały burger!
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what a small burger!
What is the best hotel in the city?
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Hilton is the best hotel in the city
What is the best restaurant in the City?
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La rossa is the best restaurant in the city
What is the best sci-fi film?
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Matrix is the best sci-fi film
Excuse me, it is the good restaurant?
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yes, it is
No it is not
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The better restaurant is there
jak zapytać gdzie jest bankomat
commencer à apprendre
Excuse me, where is an ATM

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