Kurs lekcja 11

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question réponse
jak dużo kosztuje ten t-shirt
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how much is the t-shirt
jak dużo kosztuje kawa
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how much is the coffee
jak dużo kosztuje spagetti
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how much is the spaghetti
Ile kosztuje pizza z chili
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How much is a pizza with chili
Ile kosztuje........
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How much is the ........(the gdy jest to coś konkretnego)
Ile kosztuje woda mineralna?
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How much is the mineral water?
Ile kosztuje biała kawa?
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How much is the white coffee?
to jest cztery dolary
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it is four dollars
Ile kosztuje hod-dog z ketchupem?
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How much is the hog dog with ketchup?
to jest siedem euro
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that is seven euros
Ile kosztuje czarna kawa z tiramisu?
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How much is the black coffee with Tiramisu?
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to jest dziesięć funtów
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that is ten pounds
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naście, trzy naście
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teen, thir teen
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Ile kosztuje bilet?
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How much is the ticket?
To jest dziewiętnaście funtów
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It is nineteen pounds
Ile kosztuje bilet autobusowy?
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How much is the bus ticket?
to jest dwanaście euro
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it is twelve euros
Ile kosztuje duża pizza z salami?
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How much is the big pizza with salami?
To jest siedemnaście euro
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It is seventeen euros
Ile kosztuje ten t-shirt?
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How much is this t-shirt?
to jest jedenaście funtów
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it is eleven pounds
Ile kosztuje największy popkorn?
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How much is the biggest popcorn?
to jest trzynaście euro
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it is thirteen euros

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