kultura i sztuka

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question réponse
be a star attraction
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gwozdz programu
play second fiddle
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grać drugorzędną rolę
collector's piece
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bialy kruk
rzadki okaz
burst of applause
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burza oklasków
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łabędzi śpiew
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gra słów
make one’s name
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wyrobic sobie nazwisko
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światowej sławy
cover sb with glory
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okryc sie slawa
go down in history
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przejsc do historii
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kaczka dziennikarska
one of a kind
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jedyny w swoim rodzaju
be on everyone's lips
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być na ustach wszystkich
be in the spotlight
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być w centrum uwagi
culture vulture
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milosnik sztuki
waiting in the wings
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tylko na to czekac
to have stars in one’s eyes
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byc zadnym slawy

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