Kultura angielski

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A film dokumentalny
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A comedia
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A horror
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A western
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A obsada
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A efekty specjalne
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special effects
A komedia romantyczna
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romantic comedy
A musical
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A opowiadanie
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short story
A adaptacja
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A poezja
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A ścieżka dźwiękowa
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A fabuła
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a plot
A balet
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A scena
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a stage
A fotograf
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A kompozytor
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A malarz
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A rozdział
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a chapter
A powieść kryminalna
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criminal story
A powieść przygodowa
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adventure story
A film akcji
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action film
A film o walce z mafią
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a film about fighting the mafia / against mafia
A sala koncertowa
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concert hall
A powieść
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A pejzaż
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A martwa natura
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still life
A kasa biletowa
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ticket office
A rozrywka
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A literatura faktu
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A filmy oparte na faktach
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fact-based movies
A film o procesach sądowych
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a film about court cases
A filmy o czasach segregacji rasowej
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films about times of racial segregation
A o czasach holocaustu
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about the holocaust times
A o Izraelu
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about Israel
A serial telewizyjny
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TV series
A odcinek serialu
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A o tematyce żydowskiej
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on Jewish topics
A recenzja
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A wystawa
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A portret
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a portrait
A Pigmalion
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A grać w filmie/w teatrze
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play in a film/at the theatre
A postać w filmie
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character in the movie
A świetny aktor
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great actor
A Przeminęło z wiatrem
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Gone With the Wind
A reżyser
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A dyrygent/dyrygentka
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A adaptacja filmowa dobrych, znanych powieści
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film adaptation of good, famous novels
A filmy biograficzne
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biographical films
A muzyczna biografia
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musical biography
A wątek, fabuła
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A scena w filmie
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scene in the movie
A scenariusz filmowy
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A z wyjątkiem horrorów
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except for horror movies
A Dawno temu w Ameryce
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A Once Upon a Time in America
A filmy z udziałem Al Pacino
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movies starring Al Pacino,
A filmy w których gra Robert de Niro
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the movies starring Robert de Niro
A film reżyserowany przez Clinta Eastwooda
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a film directed by Clint Eastwood
A filmy o mniejszościach seksulnych
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films about sexual minorities
A filmy o walce z chorobą, o ludziach niepełnosprawnych
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films about fighting illness, about disabled people
A wyciskacz łez
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A mroczny, ponury
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dark, gloomy
A refleksyjny
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A sentymentalny
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A mroczny klimat filmu podkreśla muzyka
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the dark atmosphere of the film is emphasized by music
A trochę mroczny
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a bit dark
A Tajemnica Broakback Mountain
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The Secret of Broakback Mountain
A romans
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the romance
A Co się zdarzyło w Madison County
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What happened in Madison County, The Bridges of Madison county
A melodramat
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the melodrama, the melodramas

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