kregoslup, zebra, mostek

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axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton
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vertebral column, 24 true vertebrae, 10 spurious vertebrae, cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx
budowa kręgu1
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vertebral body, vertebral arch, 7 processes, vertebral foramen, vertebral canal, pedicle, superior/inferior vertebral notch, intervertebral foramen
budowa kregu2
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lamina of vertebral arch, spinous process, vertebra prominens, 2 transverse processes, 2 superior/inferior articular processes
kręgi szyjne 1
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cervical vertebrae, rozdwojony s. process, c7 nie, uncus of body of cervical vertebrae, trójkątny vertebral foramen, t. process z anterior/posterior tubercles
krgię szyjne 2
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foramen transversarium tętnica 2 żyły kręgowe splot n.w., groove of spinal nerve, c6 carotid tubercle, 45 st

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