Kraje i języki, i narodowość (LANDE OG SPROG OG NATIONALITET)

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question réponse
Letland/ lettisk/ lette/ letter
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Latvia/ latvian/ Latvian/ Latvians
Spanien/ spansk/ spanier/ spaniere
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Spain/ spanish/ Spanish/ Spanishes
Rumænien/ rumænsk/ rumæner/ rumænere
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Romania/ romanian/ Romanian/ Romanians
Tyskland/ tysk/ tysker/ tyskere
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Germany/ german/ German/ Germans
Italien/ italiensk/ italiener/ italienere
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Italy/ italian/ Italian/ Italians
Portugal/ portugisisk/ portugiser/ portugisere
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Portugal/ portuguese/ Portuguese/ Portugueses
Persien/ persisk/ perser/ persere
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Persia/ persian/ Persian/ Persians
Tjekkiet/ tjekkisk/ tjekke eller tjekker/ tjekker eller tjekkere
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Czech Republic/ czech/ Czech/ Czechs
Frankrig/ fransk/ franskmand/ franskmænd
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France/ french/ French(man)/ French(men)
Ukraine/ ukrainsk/ ukrainer/ ukrainere
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Ukraine/ ukrainian/ Ukrainian/ Ukrainians
Storbritanien/ britisk/ brite/ briter
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Great Britain/ british/ Britisher or Briton/ Britishes or Britons
Forenede Stater/ amerikansk/ amerikaner/ amerikanere
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United States/ american/ American/ Americans
Norge/ norsk/ nordmand/ normæand
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Norway/ norwegian/ Norwegian/ Norwegians
Sverige/ svensk/ svensker/ svenskere
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Sweden/ swedish/ Swedish/ Swedishes
Finland/ finsk/ finne/ finner
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Finland/ finnish/ Finnish/ Finnishes
Tyrkiet/ tyrkisk/ tyrk eller tyrker/ tyrker eller tyrkere
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Turkey/ turkish/ Turkish/ Turks
Egypten/ egyptisk/ egypter/ egyptere
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Egypt/ egyptian/ Egyptian/ Egyptians
Kina/ kinesisk/ kineser/ kinesere
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China/ chinese/ Chinese/ Chinese (pl.)
England/ engelsk/ englænder/ englændere
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England/ english/ Englishman/ Englishmen
Ungarn/ ungarsk/ ungarer/ ungarere
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Hungary/ hungarian/ Hungarian/ Hungarians
Polen/ polsk/ polak/ polaker
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Poland/ polish/ Pole/ Poles
Afghanistan/ afghansk/ afghaner/ afghanere
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Afghanistan/ afhan/ Afghani/ Afghans
Grækenland/ græsk/ græker/ grækere
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Greece/ greek/ Greek/ Greeks
Belgien/ belgisk/ belgier/ belgiere
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Belgium/ belgian/ Belgian/ Belgians
Brasilien/ brasiliansk/ brasilianer/ brasilianere
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Brazil/ brazilian/ Brazilian/ Brazilians
Bulgarien/ bulgarsk/ bulgarer/ bulgarere
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Bulgaria/ bulgarian/ Bulgarians/ Bulgarians
Thailand/ thailandsk/ thailænder/ thailændere
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Thailand/ thai/ Thai/ Thais
Indien/ indisk/ inder/ indere
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India/ indian/ Hindu or Hindoo or Indian/ Indians
Marokko/ marokkansk/ marokkaner/ marokkanere
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Morocco/ moroccan/ Moroccan/ Moroccans
Australien/ australsk/ australier/ australiere
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Australia/ australian/ Australian/ Australians
Iran/ iransk/ iraner/ iranere
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Iran/ iranian/ Iranians/ Iranians
Skandinavien/ skandinavisk/ skandinav/ skandinaver
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Scandinavia/ scandinavian/ Scandinavian/ Scandinavians
Danmark/ dansk/ dansker/ danskere
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Denmark/ danish/ Dane/ the Danes
Japan/ japansk/ japaner/ japanere
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Japan/ japanese/ Japanese/ Japanese people
Irak/ irakisk/ iraker/ irakere
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Iraq/ iraqi/ Iraqi/ Iraqis
Rusland/ russisk/ russer/ russere
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Russia/ russian/ Russian/ Russians
Pakistan/ pakistansk/ pakistaner/ pakistanere
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Pakistan/ pakistani/ Pakistani/ Pakistanis
en nationalitet/ nationaliteter
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a nationality/ nationalities
(en) verden/ verdener
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(a) world/ worlds
Holland/ hollandsk/ hollænder/ hollændere
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Holland/ dutch/ Dutchman/ the Dutch
Canada/ canadisk/ canadier/ canadiere
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Canada/ canadian/ Canadian/ Canadians
Østrig/ østrigs/ østriger/ østrigere
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Austria/ austrian/ Austrians/ Austrians
Asien/ asiatisk/ asiat eller asiater/ asiater eller asiatere
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Asia/ asian/ Asian/ Asians
Afrika/ afrikansk/ afrikaner/ afrikanere
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Africa/ african/ African/ Africans
Europa/ europæisk/ europæer/ europæere
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Europe/ european/ European/ Europeans
et hjemland
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a homeland
Der er mange forskellige nationaliteter.
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There are many different nationalities.

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