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The coronavirus is rolling!
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He is around 60 years old.
Koronavirüs kol geziyor... commencer à apprendre
The coronavirus is wandering...
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Single wheel with two armrests
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Merkez Parkı’na dalıyor... commencer à apprendre
Diving into the Central Park...
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The coronavirus is wandering.
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Cigarette in your mouth...
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The coronavirus is wandering.
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Çünkü onun için yaşamak mı commencer à apprendre
Because for him is it to live
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no one knows how to die well?
commencer à apprendre
The coronavirus is wandering.
commencer à apprendre
içlerine doğru süzülüyor. commencer à apprendre
İki simit alan bulsa iyi olacak. commencer à apprendre
He'd better find two bagels.
commencer à apprendre
The coronavirus is wandering.
Devlet Baba, memuruna, sanayiciye, commencer à apprendre
State Father, officer, industrialist,
tüccara kol kanat geriyor. commencer à apprendre
arm wings to the merchant.
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The coronavirus is coming...
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Diving into Central Park,
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He sells two bagels today
karnımı doyurur muyum diye... commencer à apprendre
To see if I can feed my stomach...
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The coronavirus is wandering.
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Simitçi amca, ayakta bugün commencer à apprendre
Bagel Uncle, standing today
kalır mıyım, onun hesabını yapıyor! commencer à apprendre
Will I stay, he's doing his calculations!
Koronavirüs kol geziyor... commencer à apprendre
The coronavirus is wandering...