Kid Climber

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a mountain
make sure you pronounce this word correctly - MAUN - TIN
wspinać się
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to climb
do NOT pronounce B in climb
Wspinam się od sześciu lat.
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I've been climbing (for) 6 years (now).
Mieszkam tu od dziesięciu lat.
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I have been living here for 10 years.
I've been living here for 10 years. (NiV)
Ona pracuje online od 5 lat.
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She has been working online FOR 5 years.
She's been working online for 5 years. (NiV)
odkąd skończyłem siedem lat.
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Since I was 7 years old.
szczyt (góry)
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a summit
Dotarliśmy na szczyt w półdnie.
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We reached the summit at noon. (NiV)
w wieku 9 lat
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at age 9
at 9
w wieku 13 lat
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at the age of 13
at age 13 / at 13
Trenuję dwa razy dziennie.
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I train twice a day.
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in the morning
do NOT say: on the morning
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a backpack
włożyć coś (plecak / ubranie / okulary)
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to put sth on (a backpack / clothes / glasses)
Every morning I put my backpack on.
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a treadmill
wykonywać ćwiczenia fizyczne (najczęściej na siłowni)
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to work out
After school I workout again doing weights.
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zbierać pieniądze
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to fundraise
zwiększać świadomość / sprawiać, że ludzie są bardziej świadomi
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to raise awareness
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a disease
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dystrofia (zaburzenia)
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a dystrophy
a muscular dystrophy
atakować (o chorobie)
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to affect
It affects 300000 boys worldwide.
na całym świecie
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do tej pory
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so far
Do tej pory zebrałem 30000 dolarów.
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So far I've raised 30000 dollars.
mimo że
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even though
Even though we live halfway across the world from each other.
lek na coś
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a cure for sth
Researchers are working to find a cure for cancer.
I want to find a cure for duchenne*.
mam nadzieję / miejmy nadzieję
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Hopefully, we'll arrive before dark. (NiV)

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