Kicking bottles

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uprawiać karate
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to do karate
ten uczeń
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this student
ci uczniowie
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THESE students
rzucić komuś wyzwanie
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to set sb a challenge / to set a challenge TO sb
kopać coś
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to kick sth
od razu
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at once
zrobić coś od razu / za jednym zamachem
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to do sth at once
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to try - tried - tried
wydawało się to niemożliwe
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it seemed impossible
mimo że / chociaż
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prawie co zrobić
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to come close
dać radę coś zrobić
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to manage to do sth
odnieść sukces
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to succeed to do sth
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a coach
twoja kolej
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it's your turn
była kolej trenera
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it was the coach's turn
Czy mógłbyś to zrobić?
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Could you do this?

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