kgiua 19 시험

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Noun 1. being unconscientious; being unscrupulous
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양심에 어긋나는 것. A state of being in which a person knowingly commits immoral acts without apparent concern.
Noun 1. seller
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Noun 1. consumer; buyer
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1. special, particular
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각별한 주의를 기울이다 pay particular attention (to) 그는 그림에 대한 관심이 각별하다 He has[shows] a special interest in pictures. 이 선물은 내게 아주 각별하다 This gift is very special[significant; meaningful] to me.
1. come[bring] to a standstill2. be[get] stuck
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꼼짝도 못 하다
1. long weekend; (설·추석 등의) holiday
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Verb 1. decrease; diminish
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Antonym 증가하다 Synonym 줄다
Verb 1. avoid; evade; shirk
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1. tendency (to/toward), trend
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우리 사회 전반에 사치 풍조가 만연해 있다 A tendency toward extravagance prevails throughout our society. 그는 물질만능의 사회 풍조를 개탄했다 He deplored the public tendency to regard money as being omnipotent.
1. [명사] public relations ((abb.) PR), publicity, [동사] publicize, promote
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1. blank (space)
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빈칸을 채우다 fill in the blanks 아래 빈칸에 성명과 나이를 적으시오 Fill in your name and age in the blank space(s) below.
nie az tak(czesto uzywane w negatywnych zdaniach)1. so, that
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1. appoint (sb to/as sth)
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마케팅 팀장으로 기용되다 be appointed as a marketing chief 감독은 그를 선발로 기용했다 The coach appointed him as a starter.
1. trend, tendency, drift
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1. (경제 상황) economy, business
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요즘 경기가 어떻습니까? How's (your) business? 요즘 경기가 어떻습니까? How is your business doing? 이 지역의 경기가 서서히 좋아지고 있다 This area's economy is slowly improving.
1. opening ceremony
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1. live broadcast, broadcast live
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1. live broadcast, broadcast live
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. [예문] 중계 무역을 하다 engage in entrepot trade2. transmission, relay, broadcast, televise, telecast

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