kgiua 19-4 (으)ㅁ에 따라

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bazować na, opierać się na, na podstawie
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1. follow, go after, tag along2. like, love, be fond of, be attached to
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1. side effect
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부작용을 일으키다 cause side effects 부작용을 일으키다 produce ill effects 부작용을 일으키다 produce a bad[adverse] reaction
Ta praca nie jest tak łatwa, jak się wydawało
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그 일은 생각보다 만만하지 않다
예: 그 상대가 만만하지 않다. "Ten przeciwnik nie jest kimś, kogo można zlekceważyć." 예: 만만한 일이 아니다. "To nie jest łatwa sprawa."
1. work long hours
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장시간 일하다
1. overtime
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초과근무를 하다 work overtime 초과근무를 하다 do overtime
dyskopatii szyjnej
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목 디스크
목 디스크 opisuje stan, w którym występuje problem z dyskiem w odcinku szyjnym kręgosłupa, co może powodować ból, dyskomfort, a nawet ograniczenie ruchu w szyi. W angielskim często tłumaczy się to jako "cervical disc herniation" lub "cervical disc disorder".
1. disease, illness, sickness, disorder; (가벼운) ailment; (국부적인) (eye/heart) trouble
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1. restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, restless, nervous, anxious, impatient
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초조한 기색을 보이다 look anxious 초조한 기색을 보이다 appear (to be) anxious[nervous] 검사 결과가 늦어져서 마음이 자꾸 초조해진다 I'm getting increasingly restless because the test results are delayed in coming
1. symptom
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당뇨병의 대표적인 증상은 심한 갈증과 피로감이다 Major symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst and fatigue. 이런 증상이 계속되면 의사에게 진찰을 받아 봐야 한다 If these symptoms continue, you need to be examined by a doctor. 이 환자는 고열 증상을 보이다가 얼마 전에 입원했다
1. Nomophobia
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휴대전화가 없으면 불안함을 느끼는 증상
skarzyc sie na Verb 1. appeal; plead
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1. equipment, instrument, apparatus
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전자기기 electronic equipment 광학기기 optical instruments 음향 기기 audio equipment 사무자동화 기기 office automation equipment 컴퓨터 주변기기 peripherals
Verb 1. depend on; rely on
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1. develop
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To reach a higher level in a phenomenon such as academics, technology, civilization, society, etc. 기술이 발달하다.신체, 정서, 지능 등이 성장하거나 성숙하다. For one's body, emotion, intelligence, etc., to be developed and matured.
1. recover stability
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안정을 되찾다
1. recover, regain, take[get, win] back
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Verb 1. be depressed; become stagnant
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어떤 일이나 사물 등이 발전하지 못하고 제자리에 머무르게 되다. For a certain project, object, etc., to not develop and stay where it is.
1. gradually, slowly, steadily
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통증이 서서히 사라지고 있다 The pain is slowly wearing off[disappearing]. 차는 서서히 속도를 올리고 있었다 The car was gradually picking up speed. 물의 온도가 서서히 올라가고 있다 The temperature of the water is climbing steadily. 당내에서 그의 영향력이 서서히 약해지고 있다
1. become active[lively]2. liven up
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활기를 띠다
1. consumer
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1. desire, appetite (for), drive, craving (for), urge
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욕구를 충족시키다 satisfy[gratify] one's desires 성적 욕구를 해소하다 satisfy one's sexual desire[appetite] 그녀는 지적 욕구가 강하다 She has a strong desire to learn[appetite for knowledge].
1. resolve; relieve; ease; release2. break up; dissolve
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1. home appliances
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1. one after another, one after the other
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Verb 1. be released; be launched
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