Kewin 4th May (75 min)

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W każdy czwartek chodzę na basen.
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Every Thursday I go to the pool.
iść do kina
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to go to the cinema
Idziemy teraz do kina.
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We are going to the cinema now.
Nie idziemy na basen, idziemy do kina teraz.
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We aren't going to the pool, we are going to the cinema now.
Jak często chodzisz na basen?
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How often do you go to the pool?
co drugi miesiąc
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every second month
co drugi tydzień
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every second week
co drugi piątek
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every second Friday
O której godzinie dzisiaj wstałeś?
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What time did you get up today?
wstać z łóżka
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to get up - got up - got up
Co zjadłeś na śniadanie?
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What did you eat FOR breakfast?
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let's carry on
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carry on / continue
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a bun / a roll
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szklanka mleka
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a glass of milk
kieliszek / szklanka
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a glass
rozbijać szkło
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to break glass
słodka bułka
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a sweet bun
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a sausage
Zjadłem trzy kiełbaski.
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I ate three sausages.
Ile kiełbasek zjadłeś?
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How many sausages did you eat?
Ile książek przeczytałeś w zeszłym roku?
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How many books did you read last year?
Ile filmów obejrzałeś w zeszłym tygodniu?
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How many films did you watch last week?
w zeszłym tygodniu
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last week
w zeszłym miesiącu
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last month
W zeszły piątek pojechałem do Wilna.
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Last Friday I went to Vilnius.
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the Netherlands
Czy ty mieszkasz w Wilnie?
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Do you live in Vilnius?
Ona popełniła ogromny błąd.
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She made A huge mistake.
Ja popełniłem wiele błędów.
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I made a lot of mistakes.
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a lot of + sth
Ona czyta dużo książek.
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She reads a lot of books.
On miał dużo pytań.
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He had a lot of questions.
Ona zawsze ma dużo pytań.
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She always has a lot of questions.
strzelać do kosza (koszykówka)
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to shoot hoops
to shoot - shot - shot
On rzuca do kosza codziennie.
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He shoots hoops every day.
He SHOT hoops yesterday.
na podłodze
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on the floor
Twój telefon jest na podłodze.
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Your phone is on the floor.
Nie jedz tego.
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Don't eat it.
Nie kupuj tego.
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Don't buy it.
Nie czytaj tego.
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Don't read it.
na świecie
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IN the world
On jest najwyższy na świecie.
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He is THE tallest in the world.
Jest najmądrzejszy w naszej rodzinie
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He's the smartest in our family
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pojechać na wieś
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to go to the countryside / to go to the country
Ona jeździ na wieś raz w tygodniu.
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She goes to the countryside once a week.
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PARENTS-IN-LAW / in-laws
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a mother-in-law
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a father-in-law
Ja nigdy nie palę.
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I never smoke.
Ja nigdy nie piję.
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I never drink.
Ona nigdy nie wstaje o 6:00.
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She never gets up at 6.
Ja nigdy nie jadłem sushi.
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I have never eaten sushi.
Ja nigdy nie robiłam pierogów.
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I have never made dumplings.
Ona nigdy nie robiła pierogów.
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She has never made dumplings.
Nigdy nie byłem w + miasto/kraj
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I have never been TO + city / country
Nigdy nie byłem w Ameryce/w USA.
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I have never been to America / to the USA.
Nigdy nie byłem w Wielkiej Brytanii.
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I have never been to the UK.

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