Ketrin 29th May (45 min)

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to have a short swim
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to have a dip
behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically
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violence against women
domestic violence / a violence victim
a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen, been hit etc
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a bruise
a sharp curved nail on an animal, bird, or some insects
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a claw
to bend down and forwards so that your back forms a curve
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to hunch
to raise your shoulders into a rounded shape because you are cold, anxious etc
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to hunch your shoulders
an offensive word for a round part that sticks out on somebody's back, caused by an unusual curve in the spine, or for a person whose back is like this
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a hunchback / a humpback
someone who treats physical problems using chiropractic
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a chiropractor
the treatment of physical problems by pressing on and moving the bones in someone’s back and joints
a way of treating medical problems such as back pain by moving and pressing the muscles and bones
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someone who is trained to treat people using osteopathy
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an osteopath
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one of the small hollow bones down the centre of your back
plural: vertebrae
someone who lives alone and has a simple way of life, usually for religious reasons
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a hermit
a place where monks live
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a place where nuns live
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a convent
the price you pay to travel somewhere by bus, train, plane etc
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a bus/train/air/cab fare

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