Ketrin 20th April (45 min)

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pleasant relaxation in carefree idleness
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dolce far niente
to be going to die or stop functioning very soon; to be very weak or in bad condition
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to be on your/its last legs
to upcycle
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to treat an item that has already been used in such a way that you make something of greater quality or value than the original item
Plastic straws have been upcycled INTO jewellery.
a large iron weight in the shape of a ball with a single handle, used in exercises to build strength in the hands, lower back, legs and shoulders
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a kettlebell
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connected with or containing metaphors
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a ... of mud
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a puddle of mud
If that doesn't work out, ... matter, I'll rent for another year or two.
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If that doesn't work out, NO matter, I'll rent for another year or two.
a person from Australia
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an Ozzie
a sewing machine
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14 hundred
22nd April
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Earth Day

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