Katazina 27th Feb (30 min)

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question réponse
wszystko w porządku / nie ma sprawy / nie ma problemu / jest ok
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that's all right / no worries / no problem / it's ok
to zależy
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it depends
nie ma sprawy / nie ma problemu
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no worries / no problem
Przepraszam, jestem spóźniony/spóźniona.
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I'm sorry, I'm late.
Spóźnię się 5 minut.
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I'm running 5 minutes late.
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Let's carry on.
Zjedzmy pizzę.
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Let's eat pizza.
Napijmy się kawy.
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Let's drink coffee.
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Jedźmy do Warszawy w ten weekend.
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Let's go to Warsaw this weekend.
w tym tygodniu
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this week
w tym miesiącu
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this month
w tym roku
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this year
w ten poniedziałek
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this Monday
Zacznijmy o 9:00.
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Let's start at 9:00.
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to start
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to finish
Skończmy o 10:00.
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Let's finish at 10:00.
w tym momencie
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at the moment
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I'm done.
plany na przyszłość
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plans for the future
w przyszłym tygodniu
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next week
w przyszłym miesiącu
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next month
w przyszłym roku
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next year
w ten weekend
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this weekend
w ten piątek
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this Friday
dziś wieczorem
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za dwa tygodnie
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in two weeks
za trzy miesiące
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in three months
za dwa lata
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in two years
za 5 minut
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in 5 minutes
Idę do kina.
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I'm going to the cinema.
Jadę do Warszawy w ten weekend.
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I'm going to Warsaw this weekend.
Kupujemy jutro nowy samochód.
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We are buying a new car tomorrow.
dobrej nocy
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have a good night

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