Kasia 31st Jan (45 min)

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a move
Where was I?
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I was interrupted, so please help me remember what I was talking about.
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pracować zdalnie
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to work remotely
Jestem na urlopie bezpłatnym.
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I'm on unpaid leave.
związać koniec z końcem
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to make ends meet
These days it's very difficult to make ends meet.
Te pieniądze
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THIS money
poradzić sobie z czymś
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to cope with sth
Nie mam wyboru.
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I have no choice.
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to deserve
After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.
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I'm stuck.
dobrze komuś wychodzić
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to work out
Let's hope this new job works out well for him.
W mojej torbie jest dużo robaków.
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There's a lot of bugs in my bag.
Wczoraj nie oglądałem wiadomości.
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Yesterday I didn't watch the news.
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to unwind
a beautiful country hotel that is the perfect place to unwind
na przykład
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for instance
mieć ochotę robić coś
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to feel like doing sth
I don't feel like going out tonight.
w tle
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in the background
przeszkadzać komuś
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to bother sb
Stop bothering me when I'm working.
ukończenie szkoły
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to graduate from school
Nie wyszło.
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It didn't work out.
pokonać / walczyć
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to overcome / to combat
new strategies for combatting terrorism
jest jak jest
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it is what it is

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