Kasia 2nd March (45 min)

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to bark
Stop barking.
mój sen został przerwany
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my sleep was interrupted
jajko sadzone
Add some chunks of fried potatoes, topped with a sunny side up fried egg (a runny yolk is a must).
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płynne żółtko
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runny yolk
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dream reader
rozwinąć coś
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to expand sth
założyć rodzinę
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to start a family
Jestem w dobrym humorze.
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I'm in high spirits.
Zmusiłem ich do tego.
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I forced them to do it.
albo ... albo...
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either ... or...
nie w nastroju do robienia czegoś
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not in the mood for doing sth
I'm not in the for for a comedy.
rak prostaty
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prostate cancer
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ona cierpi na demencję
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she sufferes FROM dementia
bardzo zmartwiony
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worried sick
była trochę przygnębiona
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she was a bit down
szybko mijać (o czasie)
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to fly by
Time flies by with you.
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Środa Popielcowa
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Ash Wednesday
Wielki Post
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Właśnie kończy studia na uniwersytecie.
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She's about to graduate from university.
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grown-ups / adults
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at the time
At the time I was only 20.
kiedy moja wiza wygasła
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when my visa expired
przekroczyć granicę
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to cross the border
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milusi (do przytulenia)
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She's such a cuddly baby.
architektura wnętrz
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interior design
an interior design magazine
odbywa staż w jego firmie
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she's doing her internship at his company
To nie moja bajka. / Nie interesuję się tym.
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It's not my cup of tea.
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sam wybierasz, co tylko chcesz, do wyboru, do koloru, co tylko dusza zapragnie
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you name it
We have everything - laptops, gaming computers, tablets, you name it.
artystyczna dusza
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an artistic soul
ona jest podobna do cioci
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she takes after her auntie
nie ma nic wspólnego ze zwierzętami
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it has nothing to do with animals

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