Kasia 28th Aug (45 min)

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wykorzystać coś / skorzystać z czegoś na maksa
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to take advantage of sth / to make the most of sth
I made the most of the beautiful weather
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a lake
We spent a weekend at Hańcza.
Pływaliśmy łódką po jeziorze.
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We went boating on the lake.
Chcesz poływać w jeziorze?
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Do you want to go for a swim in the lake?
wykluczyć coć
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to exclude sth
zagrozić, zagrażać, narażać na szwank, narażać na niebezpieczeństwo
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to jeopardise
This scandal could seriously jeopardize his chances of being re-elected.
He would never do anything to jeopardize his career.
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I suspect
I suspect (that) she might be lying.
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a uterus
wypisać ze szpitala
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to discharge sb from hospital
He was discharged from hospital.
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a cream to reduce the inflammation
to jest strasznie drogie
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it's incredibly expensive
oszukać kogoś
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to cheat sb
Many people felt cheated by the government's refusal to hold another referendum.
układ odpornościowy
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an immune system
Trzymajmy się naszego początkowego planu.
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Let's stick with our initial plan.
Let's stick with our original plan.
Zrobię wszysctko co w mojej mocy, żeby ci pomóc.
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I will do everything in my power to help you.
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a pay rise / a rise
I'm going to ask for a rise.
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a border
Thousands of people cross the border every day.
te leki
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THIS medicine
Did you take your medicine?
bez odsetek
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Pracuje tu of 13 lat.
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I've been working here for 13 years.
On mieszka tu od jedenastu lat.
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He's been living here for 11 years.

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