Kasia 12th Aug (45 min)

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Sprawdziłam co to znaczy.
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I checked what it means.
przeglądać coś w sklepie / w interencie
How can I help?
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to browse
I'm just browsing, thank you.
szukać czegoś
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to search FOR sth
What are you searching for?
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He X-rays showed some slight abnormality.
Czy jesteś na 100 procent pewna?
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Are you 100% sure?
do NOT say: in 100%
mieć wątpliwości
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The teacher is doubtful about having parents working as classroom assistants.
to be doubtful about sth
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a congenital abnormality/disease
He has a congenital heart defect.
nierozstrzygający, niejednoznaczny
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The medical tests were inconclusive, and will need to be repeated.
Robię research od wczoraj.
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I've been doing my research since yesterday.
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They can't publish your name without your consent.
Chciałabym dowiedzieć się co to znaczy.
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I'd like to find out what it meanS.
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Some tests enable you to find out the sex of your baby before it's born.
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to miscarry
She's miscarried twice.
im szybciek, tym lepiej
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the sooner, the better
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to give birth to sb
She gave birth to a baby boy.
wiele kobiet
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many women
do nOT say: many of women
wózek dziecięcy
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a pram

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