Kasia 11th May (45 min)

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to może mieć związek z...
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it might have something to do with...
Zrobiłam powtórzenie.
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I did some revision
Do NOT say: I did some revising
na czczo
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on an empty stomach
wizyta u lekarza
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an (doctor's) appointment
I have an appointment at the doctor’s this morning.
What time is your doctor’s appointment?
upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
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kill two birds with one stone
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The clothes are beautiful but very pricey.
następnego dnia
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next day
nasza wspólna wycieczka do Pragi
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our common trip to Prague
chyba że
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wykonalny, możliwy, prawdopodobny
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It was no longer financially feasible to keep the community centre open.
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Her easy-going nature made her popular.
My mum is easy-going.
uważać coś za rzecz oczywistą, brać coś za pewnik, zakładać coś z góry
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to take sth for granted
He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam.
zrozumieć główne przesłanie
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to get the gist
I didn't understand every single word but I got the gist.
monotonna praca lub zycie
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a treadmill
the treadmill of working in the office / I'd like to escape the office treadmill.
a treadmill
borykać się z czymś
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to struggle with sth
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a nun
rozmyślanie / refleksja
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Co to tym myślisz?
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What do you make of it?
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niezależnie od...
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regardless of
Regardless of what you think, I'll do it.
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