Kartkówka part 2 15.01

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question réponse
obszar wiejski
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rural area
dzicz, dzika przestrzeń
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uprawiać rośliny
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grow crops
palenie na podwórku
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backyard burning
stopniowe ogrzewanie
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gradual heating
odpalić fajerwerki
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set off firework
grozić ludziom
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threaten people
gasić ogień
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extinguish fire
użyć czegoś
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employ something
odnowić zaufanie
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renew trust
polegać na czymś
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rely on something
kontrolowane spalanie
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controlled burns
źródło problemu
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root of the problem
radzić sobie z
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cope with
zaradzić problemowi
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remedy a problem
być postawionym w obliczu czegoś
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be faced with
palący problem
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pressing problem
mały problem
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minor problem
poważny problem
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grave problem
Odwieczny problem
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Perennial problem
Materiał zdolny do palenia
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Material capable of burning
rząd federalny
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federal government
ludzki błąd
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human error
zmierzyć się z czymś
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get to grips with
regulamin kempingu
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camping regulations
metoda prób i błędów
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trial and error
kilka dekad
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several decades
uznać, że
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acknowledge that
coś totalnie oczywistego
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go without saying
jeden z rezultatów
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one outcome of
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uproać się z problemem
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tackle with a problem
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to preserve
dodatki chemiczne
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brać za pewnik
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take for granted
ochrona przed
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protection from
stąd ta debata
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thus the debate
dostosowany do
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adapted to
poszerzyć czyjeś zrozumienie
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expand someone's understanding of
ciepło ognia
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warmth of the fire
wybuchać (pożar)
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break out
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spread across
katastrofa naturalna
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natural disaster
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inner city
zatrzymanie za
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detention for

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