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a beard / hair growing on chin and cheeks
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curly / in the form of tight curves and spirals
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dark complexion / not fair skin
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fair complexion / light skin
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moustache / hair that grows on a upper lip
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of medium height / neither tall or short, average
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overweight / having excess weight
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pale complexion / having lighter than normal skin
spiczasty nos / długi ostry nos commencer à apprendre
pointed nose / long sharp nose
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shoulder-length / long enough to reach shoulders
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spiky / having one or more sharp points
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wrinkles/ lines formed on ur face when u grow old
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ancestor / a member of family who lived a long time ago
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carving / object or design that has been cut out of stone or woods
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ceremony / a formal event
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zasady zachowania/postępowania commencer à apprendre
code of behavior / set of rules to be followed
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colorfully embroidered / patterns made with needle and thread
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craftsman / a man who makes things with his hands
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crop / a plant such as grain fruit or vegetable grown by farmers and used as food
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crossbow / a weapon used to. shoot arrows
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dark in complexion / having skin which is not light
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distinctive / standing out out, easily recognisable
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spin / the action of making thread
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do weaving / making material out of threads
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entrance / a door gate by which u can enter a place
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exit / a place where u can leave
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fairly short / rather short
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Fortune / very large amount of money
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frame / a structure that surrounds an object
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gather / to come together
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a generation / aperiod of about 30 years in which children become adults and have their own families
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good spirit / good soul or ghost
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harsh/ difficut or uncomfortabmd to live in
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Headman / leader chief of a tribe
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honour / to show great respect for sb/sth
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introduce / to put into use for the first time
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land / a piece of countryside
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a leader / a person who directs others
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leather / material made of animal skin
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leggings / close fitting trousers made from stretchy fabric
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to maintain / to continue to have
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memorise / to learn smth and remember exactly it
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mountainous / area with many mountains
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originally / from or in the beginning
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provide / to give sb sth that they need
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remain / to continue to exist
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remarkably tough / very strong and resillient
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rich in culture / having developed civilization
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a rule / an instriction about what you mjst or must not do
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significance / importance
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Society / an organisation of ppl formed for a particular reason
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spirited / full of energy
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spiritual / of the spirit and mind not physical
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stilt / a long pole used to. support building
gwałtowna zmiana, wahnięcie commencer à apprendre
swing / a big sudden change
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take things a step further / progress even more
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taste / perference for sth
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Thatched roof / the top of the building made of straw
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tradition / a behaviour or belief followed for a long time by ppl of specific society
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tribe / a group of ppl of the same race language and customs
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an accountant / sb who keeps or checks financial accounts
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achievement / accomplishment
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actor / performer of a film or play
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aggressive / behaving in an angry threatening manner
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annoyed / angry irritated
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arrogant / behaving in a proud unpleasant way because u believe that u r more important
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attached to / emotionally close to
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baggy / loose fitting not tight
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a baker / person who makes and sells bread
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a beautician / professional who improves ppl appearance
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belt / a long band worn around waist
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boots / footgear covering the foot and part of leg
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care about / be interested in
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casual clothes / informal everyday clothes
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cleaner / a professional who cleans other ppls houses
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coal/ dark substance used as fuel
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coat / an outer piece of clothing worn over other clothes
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conservative / cautious and careful
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cotton / type of material made of soft fibre
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creative / able to bring smth into existance
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deceitful / delibarately cheating
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designer clothes / with the signature of a well-known designer
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dishonest / inclined to lie
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disorganized / not planned or organised well
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dull / boring uninteresting
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electrical wires / flexible threads used to carry electricity
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an electrician / sb whose job is go put in check or repair electrical equipment
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farmer / person who owns or manages a farm
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fashionable / stylish popular
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financial records / an account of profits and expenses
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fit / to be of the right size shape
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floral / having a pattern of flowers on it
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forgetful / absent-minded
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generous / willing to give more of sth than is usual or expected
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gentle / calm and peaceful
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hardworking / person who puts a lot of energy into his work
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high heeled / back part of the shoe is high
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impatient / annoyed of waiting
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indifferent / not interested in
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interested in / wanting to know sth
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a jacket / hip-length coat
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jealous of / feeling resenment cause of sbs success
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leather/ type of material
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look down on / think smb is worse
czekać z niecierpliwością commencer à apprendre
look forward / wait with no patience
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