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Sarkofag małżonków z Caer
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Wilczyca kapitolińska
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Malowidło Z Grobowca Leopardów W Tarkwinii
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Apollo z wejow
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Brązowe Lusterko
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Chimera z brązu,
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świątynia Westy w Tivoli
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Panteon w Rzymie
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Amfiteatr Flawiuszów (koloseum)
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Dom rzymski w Pompejach
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Łuk Tytusa
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Łuk Konstantyna
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Kolumna Trajana w Rzymie
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akwedukt Pont du Gard w Nîmes
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Ołtarz Pokoju w Rzymie
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statua Barberini
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Posąg konny Marka Aureliusza w Rzymie
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Posąg cesarza Augusta z Prima Porta
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Flora tzw. Primavera, fresk z domu w Stabiach
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Freski z domu Wettiuszów w Pompejach
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Circus Maximus
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Teatr Marcellusa Nad Tybrem Obok Kapitolu
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Schemat Łuku Triumfalnego
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Pałac Dioklecjana W Splicie
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bazylika maksencjusza i konstantyna w rzymie

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