Kamila 21st March (45 min)

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Mój budzik nie zadzwonił.
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My alarm didn't GO OFF.
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to oversleep - overslept - overslept
W piątek mój budzik nie zadzwonił dlatego zaspałam.
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On Friday my alarm didn't go off that's why I overslept.
Dzisiaj mój budzik zadzwonił, dlatego nie zaspałam.
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Today my alarm went off that's why I didn't oversleep.
Która godzina?
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What time is it?
What time did you get up today?
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What time did you get up today?
Wstałam o 7.
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I GOT UP at 7.
O której poszłaś spać?
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What time DID you GO to sleep yesterday?
Nie poszłam na imprezę.
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I didn't go to a party.
Chcę ci pomóc.
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I want to help you.
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to write - wrote - written
Nie spałam.
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I didn't sleep.
Nie chciałam spać.
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I didn't want to sleep.
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jeszcze nie
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not yet
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it's half past 10.
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it's a quarter PAST two
w południe
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at noon
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uczyć się
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to learn - learnt - learnt
Nie piję teraz.
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I'm not drinking now.
Moja mama nie czyta książki teraz.
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My mum is NOT (isn't) reading a book now.
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Ile razy?
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How many times?
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grać w szachy
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to play chess
Czy umiesz grać w szachy?
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Can you play chess?
Ja gram w szachy codziennie.
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I play chess every day.
On gra w szachy raz w tygodniu.
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He playS chess once a week.
Wczoraj graliśmy w szachy.
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Yesterday we played chess.
Oni grają w szachy teraz.
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We are playing chess now.

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