Kamil, słówka 1

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to be new to sth
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coś jest dla nas nowe
I am new to paella
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Paella to dla mnie nowość
to complain about sth
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narzekać na coś
to complain to someone about sth
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skarżyć się komuś na coś
What’s shaken?
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Co słychać?
to tackle sth
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poradzić sobie z czymś
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a back-up plan
plan B
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zapasowy plan
a route
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You’re right
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Masz rację
to estimate
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to underestimate
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nie doceniać
to overestimate
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Don't underestimate me
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Nie lekceważ mnie
a bell
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It rings a bell
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Coś mi świta
It doesn't ring a bell
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Nic mi to nie mówi
We the People
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My Naród
in advance
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z góry z wyprzedzeniem
You have to pay in advance
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Musisz zapłacić z góry
I got goosebumps
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Miałem gęsią skórkę
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