Junior explorer 4 reading 1a

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question réponse
1. Nice to meet you
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1. Miło cię poznać
2. What's that?(łots dat)
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2. Co to jest?
3. It's a shark
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3. To rekin
4. It isn't a shark (yt yzynt e szark)
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4. To nie jest rekin
5. That's not funny (dats not fani)
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5. To nie jest śmieszne (dats not fani)
6. I'm Susie and the shark is my brother Mickey
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6. Jestem Susie, a rekin to mój brat Mickey
7. And (end)
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7. I /a
8. that's our uncle Gordon
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8. to nasz wujek Gordon
9. OUR (ałer)
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9. nasz, nasza, nasze
10. He's an explorer
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10. On jest odkrywcą
11. Nice to meet you too
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11. Miło cię poznać również
12 too (tu)
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12 też. również

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