job vocabulary

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be in charge of
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być odpowiedzialnym za
be responsible for smt
deal with sth
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poradzić sobie z czymś
to manage with sth
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i'm off
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have some free timer, leave
i'm off work
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capabilities, lucky chance
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widoki na przyszłość, perspektywy
outlook for future
get promoted to
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awansować na
to move higher in rank od position
get a raise
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dostać podwyżkę
get a higher salary
temporary job
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praca tymczasowa
non-permanent job/empoyment
short-term contract
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umowa krótkoterminowa
temporary empoyment contract
job security
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pewność stałego zatrudnienia
certainty of permanent employment
to be sacked
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być zwolniony
to be fired from
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zatrudniony na własny rachunek
working for oneself, have own business
run a business
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prowadzić działalność gospodarczą
manage a business, be in charge
work part-time
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Praca w niepełnym wymiarze czasu
job with fewer hours than full time
to be redundant
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być zbędnym
fired, unemployed
to be out of work
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być bez pracy
voluntary work
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free, non-profit work
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nie zapłacony
without pay
getting work experience
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zdobycie doświadczenia zawodowego

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