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commitment (n)
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noncommittal commited, commit
communication (n)
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communicator, communicative uncommunicative, communicate
comparison (n) porownanie
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comparable incomparable comparative, compare, comparatively
competition (n)
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competitor, competitive uncompetitive, compete, competitively
complete (adj)
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completion (ukonczenie) incompleteness, incomplete, to complete, completely incompletely
complicated (adj)
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complication, uncomplicated, complicate
computer (n)
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computing (przetwarzanie danych) computerization, to computerize
concentrate (v)
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concentration, concentrated
conclusion (n) wniosek
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concluding conclusive inconclusive, conclude, conclusively (ostatecznie)
condition (n) kondycja warunek
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precondition (warunek wstepny) conditioner conditioning, conditional unconditional, to condition, conditionally unconditionally
confidence (n)
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confident confidental, to confide (powierzyc), confidently confidentailly
confirm (v)
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confirmation, confirmed uncomfirmed
confuse (v) (pomylic zagmatwac)
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confusion, confused confusing, confusingly
connection (n)
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connected disconnected unconnected, connect disconnect
conscious (adj) swiadomy
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subconscious (podswiadomosc) unconscious (podswiadomosc) consciousness, subconscious conscious, cosciously unconsciously

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