January 30 2025

 0    20 fiche    aleksander80
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question réponse
Czy tobie sie podobalo?
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Did you like it?
To bylo tego warte
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It was worth it
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I saw
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to jest troche daleko
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it's a bit far
Tam byl duzy tlum
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There was a big crowd there
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we would have to
było dużo ludzi
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there was a lot of people
on zrobill dobre wrazenie
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he made a good impression
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system pociągowy
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train system
kupilem zegrek
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I bought a watch
Składam oświadczenie
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I make a declaration
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I declare
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drug addicts
Oni nie piją
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they dont drink
Przez ostatnie 7 lat nie piłem ani razu
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In the last 7 years I didnt drink even once
Byłem przygnębiony
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I was depressed
Kiedy wróciłem do Polski
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When I came back to Poland
Czy byłeś gdzie indziej?
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Did you go anywhere else?

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