January 28 2025

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question réponse
Nadzoruję remont
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I supervise the renovation
Nie mam zbyt dużej wiedzy na temat renowacji
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I dont have a lot knowledge about renovations
Czy ktoś ci pomaga?
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Is anyone helping you?
jak dotąd
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so far
on jest budowniczym
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he is a builder
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I ordered
ja zalatwilam grupe remontowa
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I arranged a renovation group
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I hire
nikt nie chce tego robić
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nobody wants to do this
Dużo Ci jeszcze zostało?
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Do you have a lot left?
robimy to od poniedziałku
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we are doing this since monday
Co skończyłeś?
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What have you finished?
naprawiliśmy ściany i teraz są proste
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we repair the walls and now they are straight
jesli to sie szybko skonczy to bede szczeszliwa
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If this ends quickly, I'll be happy
ile to kosztowało?
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how much did it cost?

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