January 18 100%

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question réponse
Jestem samowystarczalna
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I am self-sufficient
Uprawiam swój własny ogródek
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I grow my own garden
Muszę posadzić nowe warzywa
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I need to plant new vegetables
Muszę kopać całą ziemię
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I have to dig all the earth
Dobra gleba w ogródku
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Good soil in the garden
Energia odnawialna
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Renewable energy
Produkuje dużo energi
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It produces a lot of energy
Turbiny wiatrowe
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Wind turbines
Ekologiczne materiały
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Eco-friendly materials
Sieć energetyczna
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Power grid
Mieszkam w domu odciętym od sieci
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I live in an off-grid house
Oczyszczalnia ścieków
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Special machine changing dirty water into clean water
Kosiarka do trawy
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Special machine to cut grass

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