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1. circumstances, conditions2. circumstances commencer à apprendre
형편이 허락되면 if the circumstances allow
1. enough, sufficient, ample, plenty2. well-to-do, well off commencer à apprendre
1. property, wealth, possessions, asset, fortune2. asset commencer à apprendre
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1. delivery man[boy]; (신문의) newsboy, paperboy; (우유의) milkman commencer à apprendre
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Verb 1. be not hindered by; disregard commencer à apprendre
1. career, work experience commencer à apprendre
1. (흔쾌히) readily, willingly, gladly; (주저 없이) without hesitation commencer à apprendre
그는 내게 선뜻 돈을 빌려 주었다 He readily agreed to lend me the money
Verb 1. approve; consent; permit commencer à apprendre
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거듭되는 불행 a series of misfortunes
1. be defiant; challenge2. challenge commencer à apprendre
1. [동사] be active (in), take[play] an active part[role] (in) commencer à apprendre
눈부신 활약을 하다 perform a brilliant exploit (in)
1. [동사] be moved[touched, affected] (by) commencer à apprendre
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1. hardship, trouble, suffering, difficulty, adversity; (시련) trial, ordeal commencer à apprendre
수많은 고난을 겪다 go through various hardships[sufferings]
1. overcome, surmount, get over commencer à apprendre
시련을 극복하다 overcome trials (and tribulations)[an ordeal; hardships]
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역경을 극복하다 overcome adversity[hardship]
1. (Brit) old girl (of a school) graduate; (남자 동창생) (Am, f) alumnus (pl. alumni), (Brit) old boy (of a school); (여자 동창생) (Am, f) alumna (pl. alumnae), commencer à apprendre
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1. homeless person; (집합적) the homeless, homeless people commencer à apprendre
1. (불필요하다) unnecessary, needless, useless commencer à apprendre
쓸데없는 걱정하지 마라 Don't worry yourself needlessly.쓸데없는 소리하지 마라 Don't make unnecessary comments쓸데없는 모험을 할 필요는 없다 There's no point in taking unnecessary risks
1. [명사] self-reliance, [동사] stand on one's own (two) feet commencer à apprendre
경제적으로 자립하다 be financially independent
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1. a person who is visually impaired[handicapped] commencer à apprendre
1. doctor's[doctoral] degree, doctorate, degree of doctor, Ph.D., Ph.D., doctor2. expert, connoisseur commencer à apprendre
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1. human rights, civil rights commencer à apprendre