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1. [동사] mobilize; (사람을) rally, call (out), bring commencer à apprendre
1. war, warfare, battle2. [예문] 범죄와의 전쟁을 선포하다 declare war against crime commencer à apprendre
1. trespassing, infringement, invasion, trespass, break in(to), invade2. invasion, invade commencer à apprendre
1. the Great Wall of China2. (비유적) commencer à apprendre
1. accidentally, by chance, by accident, somehow2. at times, sometimes, occasionally, once in a while, from time to time, now and then commencer à apprendre
It's right on the tip of my tongue commencer à apprendre
Verb 1. do business; operate commencer à apprendre
1. (잔치·행사 등이)2. happen, arise, take place commencer à apprendre
1. thoroughgoing thorough, exhaustive, commencer à apprendre
(의견) opinion; (고집) insistence, assertion, (formal) contention; (논점) argument; (근거가 없는) claim, insist, assert (that), argue, (formal) contend (that); (근거 없이) claim commencer à apprendre
1. like that, (be) so, such, that kind[sort] of commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
1. lodge (in/at), stay (at/with), put up commencer à apprendre
(돈을 모으다) scrape up[together] commencer à apprendre
1. [명사] deal, dealings; (상업) business, (formal) transaction; (무역) trade; (불법적인) traffic, [동사] deal (with), trade (with), make[(Brit) do] a deal (with), have dealings (with), do[transact] business (with) (사업상의) commencer à apprendre
1. regard, consider, count, (formal) deem commencer à apprendre
1. deliberately, intentionally, on purpose2. (마음을 내어) commencer à apprendre
1. barely, narrowly2. only, just, barely, no more than, at most commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
1.(여럿이 포개어지다) overlap (with), (겹쳐 쌓다) stack (up)2.(여러 일이 한꺼번에 일어나다) coincide (with), overlap (with), (formal) concur commencer à apprendre
1. grade, mark, results2. record, results commencer à apprendre
1. score; (학교에서의) mark, grade commencer à apprendre
(재능) talent (for), (적성) aptitude (for) commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
1. accidentally, by chance, by accident, somehow2. at times, sometimes, occasionally, once in a while, from time to time, now and then commencer à apprendre
1. camping, camp out, encamp; (군인이) bivouac commencer à apprendre
1. (마음에 주는 느낌) impression commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
1. [명사] (business) management, administration, [동사] manage, run, operate commencer à apprendre
1. pitch[set up; put up] a tent commencer à apprendre
1. minister, pastor, rector commencer à apprendre
Verb 1. back; support; sponsor commencer à apprendre
1.(둘 이상으로) divide, split (up)2.(수학) divide3.(분배하다) split, divide (up), distribute commencer à apprendre
1. (책·영화 등을 세는 단위) piece; (책) volume, book 2. (책의 장·절) chapter, section, unit commencer à apprendre