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question réponse
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nie wierze!
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I do not believe!
odnaleźć się
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find yourself
She found herself.
Lubię być w domu.
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I like being at home.
smak i węch
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taste and smell
kontrahent, partner handlowy
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business partner
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an accountant
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szukam rozwiązania wygrany - wygrany.
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I'm looking for a win-win solution.
możliwość trudności
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difficult opportunity
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lower, reduce
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rejecting an offer
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to negotiate
szczerze mówiąc
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to be honest
w końcu
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finally, at last
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at least
[et list]
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to expect (to do)
będę musiała
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I will have to
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in order to
żeby dać Ci
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in order to give you
Co myslisz...? Co sądzisz o tym?
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What do you think...? What do you think about that?
Czy myślałeś o tym o czym rozmawialiśmy?
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Have you thought about what we spoke about?
Jestem Twoim lojalnym klientem od ponad roku.
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I have been a loyal client of yours for over a year now.
mamy przynajmniej
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we have at least
całkowicie rozumiem
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I totally understand
ale, pamiętaj
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but remember
muszę to zrobić
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I have to do it
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to zabiera dużo czasu
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it takes a lot of time
porozmawiajmy o tym
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Let's talk about it
jeżeli zwiększymy naszą sprzedaż w pierwszym roku
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if we increase our sales in the first year
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a target
z powodu twojej rady
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because of yours advice
moglibyśmy zaproponować
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we could suggest /offer
prowizja od sprzedaży
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sales commission
zazwyczaj nie zgadzamy się na to
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we usually disagree to...
powiedziałeś mi, że
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you told me that
duży potencjał
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big potential /a lot of potential
wolimy skoncentrować się na
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we prefer to concentrate on
pomagając w rozwoju Twojej firmy
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helping your business grow
planowanie długoterminowe
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long-term planning
krótkoterminowy zysk
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short-term profit
Może pójdziemy na kompromis?
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Maybe we can compromise?
jeżeli zgodzisz się zapłacić
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if you agree to pay
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Let's say!
będziemy musieli zadecydować
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we will need to decide
Jak zamierzasz raportować sprzedaż?
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How are you going to report your sales?
Umówmy spotkanie
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Let's arrange a meeting
Spotkanie w celu omówienia szczegółów
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Meeting to discuss details
powód spotkania
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reason for the meeting
dodatkowe badania
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extra research
mieć na myśli
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have in mind
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dane sprzedażowe
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sales data / sales figures
Umowa stoi!
Jesteśmy dogadani!
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It's a deal!
We're in agreement!
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warm up
etapy negocjacji
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stages of a negotiation
akceptacja oferty
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accepting an offer
osiągnięcie kompromisu
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reaching a compromise
zamknięcie umowy
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closing the contract / closing the deal
odrzucenie oferty
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rejecting an offer
złożenie oferty
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making an offer
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making small talk
nieźle, dzięki
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not bad, thanks
brzmi dobrze
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sounds good
Jak to brzmi?
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How does that sound?
Pasuje mi, brzmi dobrze
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That sounds good to me.

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