Italian -Eng 1.3

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question réponse
We're busy
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Siamo impegnati
let's go to the cinema on sunday
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Domenico andiamo al cinema
are you free?
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siete liberi?
What time are you free on Saturday?
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A che ora sei libero sabato?
it's twenty o'clock
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sono le venti
The film starts at midnight.
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Il film inizia a mezzanotte.
At midday
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A mezzogiorno
in the evening
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la sera/in serata
I'm busy at one, but I'm free at two.
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All’une sono occupata, ma alle due sono libera.
Midday is fine
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A mezzogiorno va bene
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feni settimana
I am busy
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sono impegnata
Are you free this evening?
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Sei libera stasera?
At eleven in front of the cinema?
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Alle undici davanti al cinema?
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I'm always tired
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sono sempre stanco
do you have time?
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tu hai tempo?

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