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che ore sono? sono le 7:30, è ora di cenare
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what time is it? It's half past seven, it's time to have dinner
quanto è lontano da qui al centro citta'? è una lunga strada
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how far is it from here to city center? It's a long way
possiamo andare a casa a piedi (lett. possiamo camminare a casa) non è lontano
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we can walk home, it isn't far
nevica molto spesso?
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does it snow very often?
non è stato facile trovarti
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It wasn't easy to find you
c'era un vento forte ieri
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there was a strong wind yesterday
era una bella giornata ieri, era piovoso e freddo
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It was a nice day yesterday, it was rainy and cold
è impossibile lavorare in questo ufficio, c'e' troppo rumore
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It's impossible to work in this office, there is to much noise

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