IT FALLACY- angielski, kolokwium

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błędne przekonanie I a belief that is incorrect MISTAKE
mess up
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psuć, brudzić I to make sth badly or untidy SCREW UP, SPOIL
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redukcja zatrudnienia I making a company smaller by reducing the number of people who work here REDUCING
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globalizacja I the process in which things all over the world become more similar EQUALIZATION
take a breather
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zrobić sobie przerwę I to take a break TO RELAX
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wyścig I going somewhere quickly TO RUSH; RACE
cram sth into sth
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wciskać I to force things into smaller space TO PRESS
meet targets
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to achieve goals
exceed targets
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to overstep targets
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a pan you use to cook food quickly in steam
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robocizna, praca I work with physical effort
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liczebność załogi I how many people are present in a place POPULATION
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part of sth
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pogoń I an attempt to achieve sth difficult A CHASE
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wydajność I the good use of time and energy in a way that does not waste any A PRODUCTIVITY
a boost
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czynnik pobudzający I the act of boosting sth A STIMULANT
a gain
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korzyść I an increase in sth PROFIT, BENEFIT
to overhaul
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naprawiać, przeglądać I to repair or improve sth TO FIX
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nieistotny I not important
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produkcja, wynik pracy I an amount of sth prodyced by a person
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specially, peculiarly
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dobrej jakości I effective, skilful GOOD QUALITY
tight deadlines
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krótkie terminy I a short time by which sth must be done LATEST TIME, CLOSING DATE

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