irregulars verbs

 0    37 fiche    mariolaswierczek
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jest był
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is was
są byli
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are were
zaczynać coś robić zaczął
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begin began
it began to snow
rozbić połamać rozbił połamał
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break broke
I'm sorry I broke the window
kupić kupił
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buy bought
baj both
we bought some food at the market
móc, mogłem
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can could
ken kud
she could speak Russian when she was four
przyjść, przyszli
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come came
kam kejm
they came to class last week
zrobić zrobił
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do did
I did my homework in the evening
pić pił
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drink drank
we drank a lot of coffe
Prowadzę prowadziłem
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Drive drove
he drove fast because he was in a hurry
jeść zjadł
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eat ate
it et
I ate a lot yesterday
Znaleźć znalazłem
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find found
fajnd faund
they found a flat in the city center
wstawać wstałem dostawać dostać
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get got
I got up early this morning
dać dał
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give gave
gif gejf
I gave Anna a birthday present
iść poszedł
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go went
they went on holiday in July
mieć miał
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have had
I had my old car for 15 years
usłyszeć słyszałem
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hear heard
I heard a noise during the night
wiem, wiedziałem
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know knew
nou nju
I knew all the answers
uczyć się nauczyć się
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learn learnt
he learnt a new language
wyjeżdżać opuszczać wychodzić zostawiać zostawić
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leave left
the train left the station at 8.00
gubić zgubić
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lose lost
I lost my keys on the train
robić zrobić
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make made
John made dinner last night
spotykać spotkać
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meet - met - met
I met a lot of people at university
płacić zapłacić
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pay paid paid
pej peid peid
I paid by credit card in the restaurant
czytać czytalem
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rid red
they read a lot of books on holiday
powiedzieć powiedział
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say said, said
sei sed
I said I was sorry
widzieć zobaczył
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see saw
si so
I saw an old friend at the party
wysyłać wyslal
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send - sent - sent
He sent a lot of emails
siedzieć siedział
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sit sat
they sat near the window
spać spał
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sleep slept
I slept for eight hours last night
mówić mówił
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speak spoke
we spoke Spanish to the waiter
pływać pływaliśmy
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swim swam
I swam every day when I was in Italy
wziąć wziął robić zrobić
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take took
Jane took good photos of the house
powiedzieć mi powiedział mi
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tell - told - told
I told my children a story last night
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think - thought - thought
I thought the music was terrible
fink fot fot
nosić, ubrać- nosił, ubrał
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wear - wore
łe łor
I wore my new boots to the party
pisać - napisał
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write - wrote
she wrote a lot of emails this morning

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