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Widziałem ten eksperyment commencer à apprendre
I’ve seen this experiment
Ona już napisała ten list commencer à apprendre
She has already written this letter
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commencer à apprendre
I’ve known him for 10 years
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commencer à apprendre
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Prowadzić samochód/ autobus irr. commencer à apprendre
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I’ve given him a doughnut
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
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Stawać się/ podobne do ‘get’ commencer à apprendre
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Zatrzymać (dla siebie)/ przechowywać commencer à apprendre
Przynosić (ruch w moim kierunku) commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Złapać (przeziębienie/ piłkę) commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
She hates not being able to commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
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been able to speak a little Spanish
Since I was a child I’ve (can) commencer à apprendre
been able to speak Chinese...
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he has become a celebrity
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Jest teraz właśnie w tej chwili Gryziony przez pieska commencer à apprendre
He is being bitten by a dog
obietnica została wczoraj złamana commencer à apprendre
the promise was broken yesterday
Samochody sprowadza się z Niemiec commencer à apprendre
Cars are brought from Germany
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The doughnuts have been bought
Szkoda że nie zjadles ciastka commencer à apprendre
I wish you had eaten the cake
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If only it hadn’t fallen down
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If only you had felt better
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I’ve been given a present
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Akcja filmu toczy się na Jupiterze commencer à apprendre
the action of the film is set on Jupiter
Silne trzęsienie ziemi wstrząsneło tym obszarem commencer à apprendre
a severe earthquake shook the area
oczy lsniły mu z podniecenia commencer à apprendre
his eyes shone with excitement
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Kochanie zmniejszyłem nasze dzieci commencer à apprendre
Honey I’ve shrunk the kids
Zamknelismy to raz na zawsze commencer à apprendre
It was shut down once and for all
NIegdy dobrze nie spiewałem commencer à apprendre
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My feet sank into the ground
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He has slept since yesterday
ślizgać się/ prześlizgnąć commencer à apprendre
she slid the keys over the table
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the food smelt and tasted good
Agnielski używany jest na całym świecie commencer à apprendre
English is spoken all over the world
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what do you spend your money on?
Szkoda że mi się to wylało/ I wish commencer à apprendre
I wish I hadn’t spilt that
Nie powinniśmy byli się rozdzielać commencer à apprendre
If only we hadn’t split up
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I’ve never been understood
somebody stole my bike/ to passive commencer à apprendre
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she stuck her finger in his eye
NIgdy nic mnie nie użądliło commencer à apprendre
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It’s kept in the wardrobe
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I’ve known him for 10 years
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she laid the baby in the pram
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the frog lept across the street/ Peter leapt the last few stairs
I’ve learnt this for a very short period of time commencer à apprendre
we’ve already left/ Leave me alone! zostawiać/ wyjechać/ opuścić commencer à apprendre
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She has always lent you the money
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Let me do it/ let’s start
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he lost his life in an accident
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you are mistaken my friend!
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She has just hung the laundry
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She has never never heard about this book
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I wish you had hiddent that
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the meeting is held twicea week
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Have you paid for it yet?
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jżdzić na motorize I kopytnych commencer à apprendre
I’ve never ridden a horse
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commencer à apprendre
he rose from his chair and turned to me
Biegać/ odbywać/ prowadzić commencer à apprendre
He is running a class now
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He has always taught other people
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you tore all of my shirts
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I’ve never thought you were wrong
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Have you understood anything from the lecture?
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He woke me up in the middle of the night
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I don’t like being written to