Introduction. Basic concepts, historical overview.

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What is PAN?
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Personal Area Network, Nearest neighborhood, < 1 m
What is LAN?
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Local Area Network, Room building areal, 10m 100m 1km
What is MAN?
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Metropolitan Network, Town City Country, 10km 100km 1000km
What is WAN?
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Wide Area Network, Continent, 1000km
What node roles are there?
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peer-to-peer, client-server, master-slave
What mediums are there for networks to travel?
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Metalic, optics, wireless
What mode of transportation are there for data networks?
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Connection oriented (Circuits), Connectionless (packets)
What data networks architectures are there?
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ISO/OSI, TCP/IP, X. 25 and so on
What’s a network architecture?
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Method of communication and definition of the set of used protocols and layers
Whats‘s network topology?
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Way of interconnection of elements in the network
Examples of topologies?
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Bus, ring, star, extended star, hierarchical, mesh
Why is network architecture useful?
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Implementation if the network at all is too complicated, so we decompose the problem into smaller parts (layers)

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