Internet’s Dad

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question réponse
kanał (np. na youtube)
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a channel
rozprzestrzenić się w sieci
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to go viral
My channel went viral.
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It was very scary for me.
uważać coś/kogoś za coś
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to consider
I consider myself a bit of an introvert.
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an introvert
wypełnić pustkę (często po stracie/ścierci kogoś)
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to fill the void
They tried to describe their attempts to fill the void left by their son's death. (NiV)
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to pass away
Maybe their dad passed away.
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a tie
zawiązać krawat
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to tie a tie
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a tyre (UK) / a tire (US)
wyrażenie używane do sposobu przykręcania i odkręcania gwintów śrub lub nakrętek (aby odkręcić, obróć w lewo, aby dokręcić, obróć w prawo)
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righty tighty, lefty loosey
książki dla dzieci
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children's books
sadzić (rośliny)
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to plant
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grass seeds
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Dasz radę!
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You got this! / You've got this!
I know you can lose that weight! You got this! (NiV)
zachęcać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
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to encourage sb to do sth
pouczać kogoś
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to edify sb*
marnować czyjś czas
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to waste sb's time
I try not to waste your time.
w internecie
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on the Internet
do not say: in the Internet
Jestem z was dumny.
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I'm proud of you.
niech Pan Bóg wam błogosławi. / Z Bogiem.
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God bless you.

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