International Code of Signals - Flags

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Alfa, diver in the water - keep clear
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Bravo, explosives or other dangerous goods are been taken on or discharged
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Charlie, yes
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Delta, maneuvering with difficulty - keep clear
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Echo, altering course to starboard
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Foxtrot, disabled - communication requested
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Golf, pilot required
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Hotel, pilot on board
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India, altering course to port
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Juliet, on fire and carry dangerous cargo - keep clear
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Kilo, communication requested
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Lima, stop immediately
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Mike, vessel stopped - unable to make way
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November, no
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Oscar, man overboard
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Papa, all aboard - vessel proceeding to sea
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Quebec, requesting clearance into port - my vessel is healthy
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Sierra, moving astern
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Tango, engaged in pair trawling - keep clear
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Uniform, you are heading into danger
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Victor, assistance required
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Whiskey, medical assistance required
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Xray, stop with your intentions and wait for my signal
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Yankee, dragging anchor
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Zulu, tugging required

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