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ellos no tienen derecho a juzgarme y tampoco tú commencer à apprendre
they don't get to judge me, and neither do you
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cuanto más esperemos, mas dificil va a ser commencer à apprendre
The longer we wait the harder it's gonna be
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it was a such a beautiful place
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falta, ausencia, carencia commencer à apprendre
vamos a enviarlos a la tierra commencer à apprendre
we are sending them to the ground
te perdonarás a ti mismo? commencer à apprendre
will you forgive yourself?
cuanto más tiempo tardemos en ir, más fuerte se hace commencer à apprendre
the longer we wait to go in, the stronger she gets
este lugar era seguro hasta que llegamos commencer à apprendre
this place was safe until we got here
la ceremonia está a punto de comenzar commencer à apprendre
the ceremony is about to begin
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No quiero hablar sobre ese tema commencer à apprendre
I don't want to talk about that subject
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You're heading to malaga?
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you're drinking quite a lot
ella es odiosa, y yo también commencer à apprendre
She's hateful, and so am i
esto no es una guerra ajena commencer à apprendre
this is not a someone else's war
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Where were you brought up?
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we'll figure something out
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Eres una chiquilla lista no? commencer à apprendre
You are a sharp little thing, aren't you?
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Ademas, nos guste o no, ellos estan para quedarse commencer à apprendre
Besides, whether we like it or not, they are here to stay
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They're heading to Malaga
Desencadenar, provocar, gatillo commencer à apprendre
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lo haría pero en realidad no tengo ganas de hacerlo commencer à apprendre
I would do it but i rly don't feel like it
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es tan difícil encontrar un lugar decente para comer por aquí commencer à apprendre
It's so hard to find a decent place to eat around here
este juego es demasiado difícil commencer à apprendre
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Quieres cafe o te?, estoy bien con cualquiera commencer à apprendre
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Either you love me or you don't
ni el ni ella tienen una idea de lo que está pasando commencer à apprendre
Neither he nor she have a clue what's going on right now.
Ninguno de los dos tienen idea commencer à apprendre
Neither of them have a clue
solo un estúpido haría algo así commencer à apprendre
only a fool would do something like that
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corta ese papel en forma de corazón commencer à apprendre
Cut that paper in the shape of a hearth
Tus sentimientos son una amenaza parannuestra organizacion commencer à apprendre
Your feelings are a menance (threat) to our organization
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Avisame cuando hayas acabado commencer à apprendre
Let me know when you're done
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Aun cuando cada uno de nosotros esta luchando commencer à apprendre
Even though everyone of us is scrambling
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no estar separados, sino juntos commencer à apprendre
Not to stand apart but to come together
Conectandose al otro lado commencer à apprendre
Plug in to the other side
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la inundación se ha vuelto bastante seria commencer à apprendre
the flooding has become quite serious
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Quieres saber mi estimacion? commencer à apprendre
Do you want to know my guess?
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instrucciones, sesión información commencer à apprendre
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Quiero hablar mejor y sobre todo mas rapido commencer à apprendre
I want to speak better and above all, faster
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Estimo que dentro de 1 mes ire a madrid commencer à apprendre
I guess that within a month i will go to madrid
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Si eso puede hacerlo a ellos, que nos espera a nosotros? commencer à apprendre
If that can be done to them, what await for us?
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I'll get you there on time
El tiempo pasa demasiado deprisa commencer à apprendre
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I thought it was the other way around
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