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make-up artist
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wydać, wypuszczać (książkę, film)
(v) to make a record or film available for people to buy or see
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(v) to make a record or film available for people to buy or see
The album is due to be released in time for Christmas.
(v) to change the language in a film or television programme into a different language
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(v) to change the language in a film or television programme into a different language
[often passive ] The film was dubbed into English.
a film, book, or play that develops the story of an earlier film, etc. by telling you what happened before the events in the first film, etc.:
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a film, book, or play that develops the story of an earlier film, etc. by telling you what happened before the events in the first film, etc.:
Jean Rhys's novel "Wide Sargasso Sea" is a prequel to Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre".
a book, film, or play that continues the story of a previous book, etc.:
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a book, film, or play that continues the story of a previous book, etc.:
I'm reading the sequel to "Gone with the Wind".
ścieżka dźwiękowa
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efekty specjalne
an unusual type of action in a film, or an entertainment on stage, created by using special equipment
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special effects
an unusual type of action in a film, or an entertainment on stage, created by using special equipment
The Harry Potter film includes some very frightening special effects.
przestraszać, przerażać
(v) B2 to make someone afraid or nervous
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(v) B2 to make someone afraid or nervous
It frightens me when he drives so fast.
(n) B1 a report in a newspaper, magazine, or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc
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(n) B1 a report in a newspaper, magazine, or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc
a book review The film has had mixed reviews (= some good, some bad).
rewizja, kontrola, przegląd
(n) the process of considering something again in order to make changes to it
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(n) the process of considering something again in order to make changes to it
a review of teachers' pay. The policy is now under review (= being considered).
publiczność, widownia
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audience, the audience
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obsadzać (aktorów)
(v) to choose an actor for a particular part in a film or play
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(v) to choose an actor for a particular part in a film or play
[often passive ] Why am I always cast as the villain?
rola tytułowa
the person in a play or film who has the same name as the play's or film's title
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title role
the person in a play or film who has the same name as the play's or film's title
operator kamery
someone who operates a television camera or film camera as their job
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cameraman, camera operator
someone who operates a television camera or film camera as their job
producent (fimu, pogramu...)
B2 someone who controls how a film, play, programme, or musical recording is made
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B2 someone who controls how a film, play, programme, or musical recording is made
a film/record producer
someone who writes the words for films or radio or television programmes
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someone who writes the words for films or radio or television programmes
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scene designer
osadzanie aktorów
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konferencja prasowa
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press conference
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klaps (urządzenie wykorzystywane pomiędzy kolejnymi ujęciami filmu)
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(adj) about someone's life
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(adj) about someone's life
biographical information

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