in good health, unhealthy, unfit, unwell, poorly, in poor health, travel sickness, nausea, recovered, deteriorate, get over

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question English réponse English
She exercises regularly and eats a balanced diet, so she's always {w dobrym zdrowiu}.
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in good health {ɪn ɡʊd hɛlθ}
Smoking and poor diet can lead to {w złym zdrowiu}.
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unhealthy {ʌnˈhɛlθi}
He's so {niezdatny, niesprawny} that he struggles to climb a flight of stairs.
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unfit {ʌnˈfɪt}
She's feeling {chory/a} today, so she's staying home from work.
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unwell {ʌnˈwɛl}
After the surgery, she felt {źle} for a few days but then started to recover.
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poorly {ˈpʊrli}
He's been smoking for years, and now he's {w złym stanie zdrowia}.
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in poor health {ɪn pʊr hɛlθ}
She always suffers from {choroba lokomocyjna} whenever she travels by bus.
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travel sickness {ˈtrævəl ˈsɪknəs}
The medication can cause {mdłości} as a side effect.
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nausea {ˈnɔːziə}
After a week of rest, he finally {wyzdrowiały} from his illness.
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recovered {rɪˈkʌvərd]}
Without proper treatment, her condition could {pogarszać się}.
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deteriorate {dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt}
It took him a while to {dojść do siebie} after the flu.
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get over {ɡɛt ˈoʊvər}

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